Friday, August 31, 2007

And the Most excited about SHP award goes to...

Me! well, this is according to two of my friends who are seniors at my school. one of them already did her SHP, and the other has yet to present. this means she doesn't have any senior privledges this year. i was talking to these two individuals yesterday morning before school about SHP, and telling them how i will be presenting on April 17th. this made them a little mad because they had to present last year on April 5th, so they don't think it's fair that i have more time. but i was so excited about it because i have all the hours done, i just need to write the paper, prepare for the presentation, and get all my other paperwork together for my portfolio. that's when one of my friends told me i've got to be the most excited person about Senior High Project in this school. i told her it's because i did/am doing something i love. i truely believe that it makes all the difference. so, i'll keep using those extra long study halls to work on my paper, and we'll see how everything goes.

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